Last few days before harvest

ok guys my first post, and my first grow, this site is awesome i always read what everyone writes for advice and everything, just finally signed up today. Ok this is my first time, but im using a 400 watt hps, im using miracle grow three month soil, which now i know is the worst stuff to use ever but its too late, i never used any nutrients, because the mg soil already said it had nutrients and i didnt want to burn my plant up, very simple set up, i have one female, she is less than a week away from harvesting judging by the crystals and everything, just asking for advice i think i watered it for the last time today and i usually have to water it every other day from drying out, any thing special i should do the last couple days to get every last bit out of the plant, maybe let it dry out an extra day? when i did water it today i flushed it really good, so it got extra watered. The lights are on a 12/12 timer any advice haha or criticism would be great i dont know if i spelled that word right haha thanks
also about 65 to 70 percent of the hairs have turned orange especially around the top buds, for not putting any nutrients in or anything all my buddies that have grown said it looks great!


Active Member
yeh you can buddy,some people leave them in the dark for a good while,sometimes 36 hours before harvest,some people dont water at all for a few days so itll dry out quicker

whatever floats your boat

good luck,watch them thrichomes
yeh you can buddy,some people leave them in the dark for a good while,sometimes 36 hours before harvest,some people dont water at all for a few days so itll dry out quicker

whatever floats your boat

good luck,watch them thrichomes

what does leaving it in the dark for the 24 hours do? more resin or what?