last few with probs


the two leafless are that way cause it was all dried dead leaves and maybe the tiniest new piece of green but i think all the dried was inhibiting, are they gonna come back or flush them down the toilet?



ty. bummer but ty. what would you guess it from, too much olivias in cloner, haven't gave them anything really since i transported to the pots. Should they have been put into smaller pots first or does that matter. they were placed gently in loose soil and gently patted just to secure the direction, then 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup water at 6.2ph ed. not to hijack my own thread but this is only reply i've had, i woulda been here long ago if i woulda known i was gonna get abandoned but could it be due to higher amounts of nutrients in my well water. i was using spring water for awhile but that became expensive quick and a pain carrying the jugs downstairs. so i just started filling outa the tap in basement. haven't started them on fert yet because i was waiting on instruction from my boy. what do you reccomend also for the ones that are leaving and the healthy ones? how much water? bat guano, seabird or both? how much water for the little guys vs. the bigger guys i got? thanks