Last hit Or Green? Which gets you highest?


Some girl a few days ago said that green hit doesn't get you the highest the last hit of a bowl supposely does.

I say hell no the greens are the best and gets you way higher.

Just wanted to know what you all think.


Well-Known Member
If you want to get her really stoned, get some BHO...butane hash oil. Stand back, and watch. Mine got tested 38% THC. One hit good night. That's why I make it though ;-)


Well-Known Member
lol she was probably saying that so she could get the first toke. Of course the first toke from a newly packed bowl is going to be the best, Not just the best for getting you high, but the first toke is always the smoothest. Its the THC that is getting you high, once you ignite and inhale it, its gone, the last toke on a bowl is the worst, and probably has next to no high properties left and simply all ash.

Smoke the green man, last hits are crap. :bigjoint: