Last night was the worst night of my LIFE !


Well-Known Member
I smoked with this girl last night, she was FINE, then we walked down to my house she fell asleep and i knew she would wake up cause every-time i tried to move her she would hit me away. Her mother ended up showing up and called the ambulance then that got fire marshals and police involved then they started an investigation about where i got it, was it laced? NO i was was my friend. This has happened before to friends and myself where i pass out hardcore and wake up later but what the fuck isnt that just messed up. Oh yeah the cop also turned to his buddy and they both laughed when i said she just smoked too much and fell asleep and she will be fine....the question of me slipping her something and raping her also came up. cops are fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
at least you didn't wake up with polaroid pics of you and a transvestite hooker hitting a glass pipe full of meth, with a dead horse, a midget, two gorillas and a clown locked in the closet, with the unique agony that hyperextension of your rectal cavity for prolonged periods of time brings.....

that my friend, would've been much MUCH worse....


Well-Known Member
ye her mom came running inside at light speed jumped on my bed as she was lying over her and started shaking her then balled her eyes out screaming ITS MY ONLY DAUGHTER. im like fuck this sux im screwed


Well-Known Member
A Senior in high school. LOL! If it's any consolation, you can look forward to many more, much worse nights.

Someday you will look back wistfully on last night as a cakewalk.


Active Member
hahah killer man ,its always funny when shit like that happens as long as its all good in the end


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a normal HS senior experience...

happens all the time...

"was it laced"... that's the common one...

why do people think weed is laced?? laced with what??


Well-Known Member
i can imagine it was rough but JOs right theres still alot worse to come. what if it was the same situation, but she was drunk and on ecstasy, and you were 21? much worse right?


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a normal HS senior experience...

happens all the time...

"was it laced"... that's the common one...

why do people think weed is laced?? laced with what??
with pcp or crack cocaine or some shit. what people dont realize, is that if this weed were laced it would be like $40 for a gram and you would not find that shit easily

honestly id like to smoke some laced weed tonight...


Well-Known Member
i used to be told in middle school and even highschool that weed was REAL dangerous because "dealers" would lace the product, so you would have no control into what you were putting into your system. you think you're smoking weed and it's laced with all sorts of stuff!!! yeah right...

it's obviously not true. i just think the whole assumption is absurd. hehe....

i used to put a line of coke in blunts.... good times....


Well-Known Member
i used to be told in middle school and even highschool that weed was REAL dangerous because "dealers" would lace the product, so you would have no control into what you were putting into your system. you think you're smoking weed and it's laced with all sorts of stuff!!! yeah right...

it's obviously not true. i just think the whole assumption is absurd. hehe....

i used to put a line of coke in blunts.... good times....

chronic blunts

i hate that tooif i was gonna lace some weed, youd be forking over a big handful of dough for me to give it up


Well-Known Member
This all very interesting for me because I was a Junior in college when I took my first puff.

I learned how to smoke, drink, and screw after I went off to college.

Popped my cherry Freshman year.

Took my first drink Sophomore year when I was legal (legal drinking age was 19 at the time).

Smoked weed the first time my Junior year.

Decided to start studying Senior year.

What an education!


Well-Known Member
one of the cops went into this crazy insane story of a dude he knew who took a hit of weed laced with acid and how he is in a mental institute for the rest of his life. he also had it in his head it could of been laced with acid i'm like thats not possible i've been smoking this shit and i'm 100% fine so is my friend....then thats why they thought i drugged her and shit. so fucked up