Late bloomer male pollen good?


Active Member
remember seeing something about late blooming males being good pollen?I'd had these plants of now scrogged and a week under flower plants, vegging for 2 months Prior. No sign of s3x. I checked my White widow, and the other seedsman Resinator (sleestack x skunk #1) and found preflowers while vegging. I guess I must've jusr assumed the other one had em. It definitely showed no sacs. Then after a week of flowering. These showed up,not until the flip did any sacs show up, at all. Which Iis saddening because it had the sativa leaves, but it was a super squat indica, with tons of side branching.*So with all that useless info, original question remains. Is it true late bloomer male pollen good? Do I trash it, or do I sent my extra 2x4 tent up I wasnt using and flower it out?*Ai was told males will show at any time dyring veg they dont need a photo period, and the ones that start once you start flowering them are the good ones. Any input?


Active Member
How early can I harvest pollen, sooner rather than later is preferred. I wanna get some of this done. But every thing I read just talks about extraction.