Late season start! Starting from seed questions.


Decided to do an outdoor grow this year, I know it's a bit late in season(I live in a part of the world where 12hr+ of daylight lasts a bit longer) but I have a couple of questions for you outdoor growers.

First I think I want to start my seeds indoors as last time I tried growing outdoors straight from seed the insect pests ate my seedlings to the point that growth was totally stunted.

I have 3 germinated seeds (In solo cups not poking through soil yet but only went in a few hours ago) I was wondering if I wanted to get them started indoors just until they're a bit bigger so that small incest pests won't kill them so quickly, how long should I let them grow for inside? Also could I just use a windowsill or should I get a CFL to put over them (If so how many watts?)

So yeah any advice on avoiding pests in the early stages of growth would be appreciated too.

What kind of stage of growth can the plants handle a bit of nibbling by caterpillars or whatever?


Well-Known Member
best adive is check on them everyday, spray with neem oil... and the biggest blue spectrum cfl you can find. a week or two and your good.

seed slaya

Active Member
try n keep em indoors until they have there first true leaves, at that point they can handle a couple bugs. and a windowsill will work fine. try to give em a few hours outdoors though to toughen them up!. good luck on your grow


Thanks for the advice guys, going to go for mixture of the two pieces of advice and get the biggest wattage CFL I can and grow under that for two weeks and I'll also put them outside during light for a few hours each day.

Sound reasonable?


Active Member
Is it too late to start new seed or clones for outdoor in southern California? Over half my outdoor plants already started flowering and there really small... My grow area only gets direct sun for about 7 hours a day, the rest of the day there in the shade didn't seem to make a difference last year still yielded fat if that makes a difference.


last year i planted a 2 week old seedling outdoors on july 5 and it was almost 6 feet come time to harvest it had some sativa in the genetics to though so that helped aiding in the fast growth


Active Member
THing is I don't even have any clones or seeds ready I need to go buy some. I just have the room and don't want to lose yield cause of the early flowerers


Well-Known Member
THing is I don't even have any clones or seeds ready I need to go buy some. I just have the room and don't want to lose yield cause of the early flowerers
You may as well do what you can with the season. Maybe you won't get the yield you would've gotten starting a month ago, but something is better than nothing. I just planted some seeds a few days ago, I'm going to be happy to get whatever they give me.