Law enforcement reportedly posed as managers of Hillcrest marijuana collective


Well-Known Member

A medical marijuana patient and a CityBeat advertising account executive both say that law-enforcement officers in plainclothes were posing as the “new management” of a Hillcrest pot collective today.
Matt, a patient who asked not to be identified, said he visited the Helping Hands Wellness Collective in Hillcrest at about 11 a.m. this morning and found the collective closed. It was supposed to open at 10 a.m., so he called the collective’s number on his cell; a voice answered and he was let in. Once inside, he said several men wearing the collectives’ T-shirts introduced themselves as the “new management.” He was allowed into the dispensing area and was given hash as a free gift, a common gimmick to attract and retain collective members.
When he mentioned that he also grew marijuana, he said the men identified themselves as law-enforcement and detained him in a back room.