Laws On Seeds....


Well-Known Member
Its said that if you get busted, the cops can only charge you with the bud weight..... well, Im wondering why its illegal to sell seeds in the US,, no THC, shouldnt be illegal,, hemp is sold in stores,, where do they think hemp comes from that is sold in stores legally?????????????????:peace:....................


Sector 5 Moderator
The fact that MJ is illegal here has nothing to do with reason or rationale; it's all about the money. (1) Senator Nelson Aldrich, the evil P.O.S. that came up with the Fed Reserve, was a reach-around buddy of the Dow chemical family. They got him to make it illegal so as not to compete with their new fiber, Rayon. (2) the U.S. *needs* a boogieman so the cops can get all the money, manpower, military weapons, illegal search and seizures, and ANYTHING else they want. All they have to say is "Mary wanna"; the general public are such damn sheep they have been told and retold what a destructive "gateway drug" marijuana is, that it does everything from causing fish children (chromosome damage) to making men sterile.


Well-Known Member
Yea I had a buddy who thought he was sterile because he smoked too many seeds, his little girl will turn 10 this year.

My state is ZERO tolerance which means even 1 seed is considered simple possession.


Well-Known Member
Yea I had a buddy who thought he was sterile because he smoked too many seeds, his little girl will turn 10 this year.

My state is ZERO tolerance which means even 1 seed is considered simple possession.
Fuck zero tolerance, reminds me of high school... wow did that suck.


yea fuck zero tolerance
they treat us like were in highschool
dont smoke weed
dont speak for yourself
do pay fucking taxes
do get in line like a bunch of fucking students
whats this your doing? having fun? your under arrest!!!


Active Member
to bad the majority of the fucking public are like 90 due to the god damn social security and only know what the govt tels them .... let half of them die (sorry to be mean) but then we can see what today wants


Well-Known Member
OR,,,,, maybe,,,,,, those damm old people are the only ones smart enough to vote,,,,,,,,If younger people did a lot less complaining and a lot more voting, we could fix these laws ourselves,,,,,,Out of all the younger people I know,, not one of them vote,, but all the old fuks do...... I dont get it,, how are we ever going to change sh1t if we dont try,,,,,,,COME ON PEOPLE, WORK WITH ME HERE...........VOTE,,,,,,,,VOTE,,,,,,,VOTE............:peace:...........................