Lazaahs"Lets see what happens" first grow


Well-Known Member
Well Hello everyone, first time writer, long time reader!

Pictures speak a thousand words so ill let them talk first

Both are what appear to be clones ready to grow. They are approx. 10+ days from cut. There were 3 however since Ive had them they have suffered being dried out, over watered, attacked by spider mite and fondled by me. They are both still in there Jiffies and roots have not yet broken though but are showing signs of growth.

Where Im at is looking at 18 canned beers, duck tape, a few fans, some ducting, and a small sheet of glass wondering how to keep the heat from 4 23w cfl's cooking my plants in my warm room. One will be hydro LST'd on a rack the other put into that tent with a 400w HPS.

Fire your questions and advice at me!!!!




Well-Known Member
Ha! those were taken 5mins before I posted! Working on the grow box again tonight, getting the temps down and light proofed. Will post up then.

How old should these be before i start feeding them nutes? and i suspect they have poor root systems, is there anything i can do to encourage good growth?
Nutes month after you see new growth just to be safe gradully start them and increase small amounts weekly. and to encouge good growth it just takes time dont over water and let your tap water sit out uncovered for min of 24 hours before use.


Well-Known Member
Time for an update i thought.

INTERESTED IN ANY FEEDBACK on lst'ing, nutes, etc.

Growbox is finally coming along. Finally got a sheet of glass to close off the cfls from the plants to reduce heat. I wish i had known how cheap glass was sooner, would have saved me alot of stress and $$! Looking forward to some silent fans!!!!!! (anyone recommend a cheap silent preformance brand? cheapest here are vantec 120mm for $25nzd at 28ishDB and 45CFM)

On the plants side of things,

Had my 2nd mite infestation, dosed with SPRAY SAFE, blue stuff with an orange label made locally, seems to kill them off, have marked in my calender to spray weekly (CORRECT IF IM WRONG!!!)

The small one is staying short and stumpy for now, dense growth though. Bit worried about the LEAf TIPS, any IDEAS? other than that Im happy with it

2nd larger one got a less abusive start to life hence its bigger, has 6 lats growing on it so far, just keeping it LST'd to keep growth even. Only worry is its PALE look,feeding regime follows

8 days ago it (later for the other) was transplanted to Terrazilla (local hydro shop stuff) and watered with full strength Rhizotonic by canna dose followed by a light water on the 10th.

then mixed a 10L bucket of water with

5ml Rhizo(recommended min)
Growzilla 2 part 3ml of each (40ml=2.0EC)

and color chart ph'd to about 6

feed each plant 750ml-1L of that on the 13th

and now i think thats that. Thought id be descriptive as pos so i can be pointed in the right direction.

Want to grow these girls out for as long as poss, how long can i veg for?

