Lazy Seedlings


I am using emilys hydrofarm to grow my seelings in, they germinated just fine in a paper towel and began sprouting nicely in rockwool cubes once I put them into this hydropnics system. Its is now day 3 of week 2 and alot of my seedlings are begining to fall over on there side the frst one to do so is about 6 inches tall and the rest at 3-5 inches are following suite. I was afraid this may be because of the added floragro nutrients(3 bottle set) so i just changed the water to pure tap with no added nutrients. Any sudgestions? For light I am using an agrosun 150 wat dayspot clamp lamp along with the system being right under a winow.This is my first grow and its very sad/worrying to see this :(
i would check your temp. if you put your hand under and its too hot for you, its to hot for your plants. if you nutrients are burning it up flush it with tap water.


Well-Known Member
Man I have the same system and my plants did fine. Did you use the moisture mats that came with it? Im not using them for my 2nd grow and the growth seems tremendously slow without the moisture mats.



My babies are doing the exact same thing. I have 4 seedlings 1 1/2 weeks old in rockwool needed to be staked up because they are floppin'. They stretched from bein on my window sill for the first half week, but are now under a nice, warm MH but lay nearly horizontal when the stakes are removed. Gonna toss 'em in soil methinks, thanks to some great advice :)