LCD Lights whats your opinion on this ?


Well-Known Member
Hello to all looking in i'm about to buy, or should i say thinking about buying these lcd panels i would have 4 and according to the link that's the same output as a 400w lamp.

here's the link

56w Plant Growth Light kit hydroponics system LED on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 01-Jan-08 23:30:00 GMT)

Now i've been reading and reading and it seems the jury is still no defo answer apparently they work ok for veg but fail badly when flowering is needed.

These are fairly cheap so any advice on it if they are worth having a go. Otherwise i am going to buy a 200 w ENVIROLITE lamp and go with that proven and tested. I cannot or do not want a high output lamp hense the interest in the lcd i can do a 200 w Envirolite as a second small grow which would you go with ?


Well-Known Member
First, the're LED's not LCD's :hump:

Other than that... Well, iunno. The consensus is out really. They're highly efficient, but from the results I've seen, they don't have the required kick.

Just get the enviro...


Well-Known Member
Yep your right i've since brought a envirolite lamp 250 watt for flowering and also one for veg should be fine.

proven system so i'll play safe :blsmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
Oh boy, the fight is on again, LOL.

LEDs rule! 8) No, CFL's rule. :) You're both wrong, T5's are the absolute ruler. ;-) Sorry dudes, HPS is the monarch. :neutral: Yeah but according to Plancks constant and the periodic chart of the elements correlated with the hypotenuse of spectrophotometry, they don't give off the right wavelength at the precise spectral intensity. :confused: ...WTF? My lights can beat up your lights! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i would of loved to of used the LED's i'm always up for something there look great less flash light so more stealth but i just could not find any information about them being good when the switch over to flowering shame because they are very cheap to run.

But if they were as good as they say in the listing etc i'm sure many more experienced people from here would have been running them for sure.

So on that basis i have not taken the chance of possible wasting time and money on them. :roll:


Sector 5 Moderator
They are by far the most efficient. The man that invented them is working on new ones that are 100% effective - 0 loss. The lack of heat and efficiency definitely has my interest up but I'll stick to my tried and true CFL's for my clones and HPS when they are well established.