leaf curl help


Hi all

i am a noob at this but i am running a custom aero system.

i have read a great deal about the different versions of grow types and decided this was the best way for me to deliver what i need.

my tent setup is:

Two 40q litre tanks with two redundant pump systems. each parralell system has two 4 head netfim micro misters. the nute solution is drawn from the bottom of the tanks in a cylical sytem to eventually offer a DWC type backup.

The tent has a 600w phillips light in a cooled lighting rig.

I have a very high air flow in the tent due to a quite strong can fan. Plus i also have a regular fan to increase direct air flow over the leaves.

All surfices are completely reflective in the room and the light is in a yo yo string.

by advice of my local hydy shop:

I am using 40l of purified water (tanks are linked so 20l/tank) in the tanks and i dose this with an aussie brand called cyco grow A&B (same chemical makup as advanced nutrients (sensi grow))@10ml/10L, 50% peroxide @ 1ml/10L and budlink at 5ml/10L at a PH of 5.8.

these are sativa clones and are growing at 18 on light time. The temp in the room while the light is running is about 32c at 35-45% humidity.

During their light out period i spray them with a diluted mix of their normal feeding solution and a hormone mix out of a misting bottle.

I did have the light about 18 inches from the plants but have now (tonight) moved this to about 2.5 feet.

my problem is this. The root systems have grown very rapidly over the past three days but new leaves are growing equally as raid but are curling (not badly) but very noticeably.

what am i doing wrong if anything?



will post a progress blog soon. plus share my tank design (which took a month of engineering).