Leaf curl worsening and now leaf discoloration


My plant has been getting worse over the previous week or so and I cant seem to stop it. It's my fist grow and I dont know what to do. :(

What has happened:
1. A week ago I added a third 42 watt cfl to my plant. I did this because I was worried the plant was not getting enough light
2. Within a few days, the leaf edges began to curl upward.
3. Eventually, most of the top leaves were curled up.
4. At this time, I moved all of the lights farther away from my plant, hoping to prevent heat damage
5. Leaf curl wormed.
6. I turned off the third cfl, hoping to reduce light damage (is this even a real thing lol)
7. At around this point (2 days ago), I noticed drooping and browning of the lower leaves. I am not sure if this is due to flowering or not.
8. Today, I noted leaf discoloration on the top leafs.

Basic Info:
Indoor Strain - Hybrid Sativa
Age - 5 weeks into switching to 12/12
Size - small, 2 feet
Nutes used -None
Water used - garden hose
Ph - unknown
Lighting - 2 42-watt CFL

I cant seem to get the attachments to work, so I'll try uploading my pictures in a bit.

Bomb Turtle

You're doing remarkably well for using only water.. I would just add some nutrients. Phosphorus, potassium will keep you going and nitrogen should add color back to the leaves.


Well-Known Member
You need to get the temps in check.........the "canoeing" leaves are a clear indicator of heat stress.....raise your lamps and add as much air circulation(fans) as you can


You're doing remarkably well for using only water.. I would just add some nutrients. Phosphorus, potassium will keep you going and nitrogen should add color back to the leaves.
Thanks. I'm on a budget and decided I'd only buy nutes if I needed it. Would you say I've reached that point?
You need to get the temps in check.........the "canoeing" leaves are a clear indicator of heat stress.....raise your lamps and add as much air circulation(fans) as you can
This is what I thought after searching the forms. I turned off one of my three lights and moved the renaming ones farther away, farther away than I've ever hand them before, and the problem continued to worsen. When I place my hand below the light, it feels very cool, not hot at all. I am more worried that the plant is getting too cold during the 50 degree nights. The weather is very dry right now, do you think that could be contributing?


Well-Known Member
If you're really on a budget, Miracle Grow all purpose nutes will do you as long as you don't go overboard, I used them along with MG moisture control soil my first grow, until I started getting flowers, then switched to some 'Burpee" ferts I found in the seed section at Lowe's, and added unsulphured molasses with that, supplementing with the MG occasionally when my Sativa showed wanting N.
I mixed the small end of the scoop heaping per gallon of water, every second or third watering.
Pics look like maybe a dose of N would do her some good.
You might check your PH, and how often are you watering?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm on a budget and decided I'd only buy nutes if I needed it. Would you say I've reached that point? This is what I thought after searching the forms. I turned off one of my three lights and moved the renaming ones farther away, farther away than I've ever hand them before, and the problem continued to worsen. When I place my hand below the light, it feels very cool, not hot at all. I am more worried that the plant is getting too cold during the 50 degree nights. The weather is very dry right now, do you think that could be contributing?
If the heat is not uncomfortable on your hands at the canopy .....then it's not your issue.....VERY LOW RH will also show some of these signs, and you may have other issues involved here(ph??).....cold nights will stunt them but nothing major if your above 45f.........good luck