leaf curling issue


Active Member
hi. on one of my plants (lowlife auto ak47) the leaves appear to be curling upwards. should i be worrying about this? could it be do to overwatering? thanks


hi. on one of my plants (lowlife auto ak47) the leaves appear to be curling upwards. should i be worrying about this? could it be do to overwatering? thanks
That's a nice looking baby, no doubt. She is pretty much as healthy as anyone could expect. Good job!

The raised leaf fringes is a sign of heat stress... the plant can't transpire enough. The leaf edges is where this becomes most noticed as they will dehydrate there first & most drastically. Lower the temps & all will be fine, especially as she gets bigger/more established. Lookin good, honestly. Best brah.


Well-Known Member
bob is exactly right. listen to what he's saying...lower your temps. speaking of which, what is the temperature in you space?


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue as you in the beginning. My temps where around 85, dropped it to 75 and now it's super happy.