Leaf defects

I have a clone that is fairly small and not growing that well, by "that well" i mean its not growing up very fast, and also a lot of the new leaves are not full. They have either the one main middle leaf and not the 4 remaining side ones(two on each side). Or they have the three middle leaves and not the outer two(one on each side). Any ideas are welcome. it was in the beginning on flowering stage when it was cut so and i gave it fertilaizer with a lot of phosphorus so it would root better, but i think it made the plant put all its energy into floweing(phosphorus is flower booster too) and none into growing or making perfect leaves.


Active Member
the plant shound not be cut once into flowering, how ever cuts can be taken from a plant that isnt currently under the constant 12/12 light. Once my plants show sex i return them to 14/10 or 18/6 to stop the flowering process. This way I can take my clones safely. clones show be placed under 18/6 lights a cloning solution should be used, I used clonex its simple and fool proof basically. Humidity shoud be kinda high, the high humidity helps with rooting. I hope this helps you

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