leaf issue !

I have 6 ladies here and 2 seem to be odd from the others! a very light green in color, The picture showing a number 6 inside black box is a perfect green so no problem in that its flash of the cam gives it the light green, the picture in the red box is my problem well the back two plants am my problem and i have know idea why. They am all fed the same CO.A &CO.B they am in 2nd week of 12/12 1 600 watt light the temp is 83F top of canopy i have 4 fans blowing air on top of the girls , I wonder why the back two girls have light green leaves and yet the 4 others am just fine? I have today given them a tiny pinch of epson salts in a pint of water "Just to the back 2 plants..

"The girls am big cheese"

thanks for viewing 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg


Well-Known Member
Agree it looks like N deficiency. If they were mine I'd feed with like a balanced fert, (like 20-20-20) at the recommended rate for constant feeding (probably 1 tsp/gal), and add CalMag. Id do this for a couple waterings. If they look better I'd continue with the regime the rest of the grow. JMO

They look decent, but I think even the others are a little pale, though it may just be the lighting.
1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg Okay thought show you guys my ladies at week 4 12/12 had plenty big leafs so I chopped them of 2 days ago whats your thoughts guys so far .. will keep you posted new pics at week 6 if that's ok thanks for viewing..


Well-Known Member
Next time, don't chop any leaves off. In general, unless you have a specific reason to chop (i.e. air flow) your plants will produce more, better buds if you leave the leaves on.

In your case, I think you've over done it. They will survive, but your final yield may be hit.
I am growing in a shed out side and outside temp is zero but i do have a heater in shed comes on every 3 hours for 15 mins ,, I did check temp this morning as lights came on for 12 hours was 63F.. i don't tik they drop below 60F .. looking at them seems the buds have shrunk :(