Leaf Problem! Need help identifying.


New Member
I noticed some of the leaves of my girl are growing a bit un even and some are curling. after doing a bit of research I found that it might be a problem with my pH? I am using FFOF with extra perlite and watering with tap water after leaving it sit out for a day+. I have not been able to check my pH becuase I ordered an electric meter but it still has not arrived. I have Dolomite Lime in pellet (round ball) form. If i was to crush it up and sprinkle some on the top of my soil before next watering will it help? Please let me know what to do! I hope I am not waiting to long.



Well-Known Member
Ok so first off its hard to tell anything with the led lighting in the pics. Normal clf room lighting or sunlight is the best to take pics of your plants especially when providing for an issue. From what i can see i would say nitrogen toxicisity, they early stages anyways. FFOF is really hot soil and i dont like it for that reason, Happy Frog imo is better. Are you feeding any nutes? If so dont for at least the first 4 weeks. If not just wait it out until the plant uses up the nutes in the soil, get ph to 6.2-6.5 and be sure not to over water. When watering you want the pot to feel light, it takes some time to get the feel just water a pot a lift it up and feel the weight a dry pot will be much lighter. You can also use the finger method, put finger into soil down to your second knuckle if it feels totally dry then it needs water.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong with your plants. Not every leaf is gonna be perfectly semetrical or identical to the one next to it. Look around this forum and you'll see alot of problems stem from people loving their plants too much. When you start chasing problems or start freakin out about a little spot on a leaf and start flushing shit or adding this or that you'll create more problems than you'll cure.