Leaf tips are curling under.


Active Member
This is my first grow so I'm not expecting it to go perfect. And I'm sure there are many things I could be doing better. Unfortunately, money is an issue. The budget is pretty tight. My grow medium is MG moisture control. I have not added any nutes or anything to the soil for that matter. The plant is at a little over 2 weeks from sprouting. I am using 2 200w cfls w/ an 18/6 light cycle. My problem is the leaf tips are curling under. I had read that this could be due to a low pH level in the soil. If so, how can I combat this? I will try to post a link to a picture so you can see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
test your soils ph if you think that may be the problem.
personally I think your plant looks fine. you said this is your first plant, which means your extremely anxious, people rarely under-do it with their first plant. just let nature do it's thing. patience is key.


Well-Known Member
looks ok too me also, if you dont have a way to check ph in your soil and water, make sure you get one soon, it is essentiao IMHO for a good grow.....


Well-Known Member
come on man don't you know mg burns plants! the more you water the worse they will get and worse still in flowering. Transplant it will be the best money you've ever spent!


Well-Known Member
I don't see the problem. Maybe there is something I'm not seing. Just keep with it. Nice looking plant to me.