leafs curling and cuping, help please!

Hello, this is my first time posting here, my plants have been curling and cuping for about two weeks now and I have no idea why.
They are bing grown indoors with 14 hours of light, I water them every night before I go to bed. The medium is soil and they're about 3 months old. If you have any suggestions or advice I would be very greatful.



Well-Known Member
Appears to be a hermi, or a male.. or simply too stressed to make a full recovery.. seeing as it is a hermi.. or a male.. in which then I would kill it.. because it is a hermi.. or a male.
The temp is around 76-78 degrees all the time and the humitity is around 40-60. I just misted them, i thought it might help.

The buckes are about a foot by a halffoot and around 4 inchs deep.

I only water once a day, at night.


Well-Known Member
Appears to be a hermi, or a male.. or simply too stressed to make a full recovery.. seeing as it is a hermi.. or a male.. in which then I would kill it.. because it is a hermi.. or a male.


Well-Known Member
whenever there is cupping and leaf twisting you should start to check for your pH being off by a large margin say either closer to 5 or on a higher scale towards 8...


Well-Known Member
also that can happen in addition to pH being off as well... if you have a fan blowing CONSTANTLY on it as the leaves on the plant are trying to shield the stomata from aspirating too much moisture from its leaves and it is trying to prevent itself from drying out (regardless of how much you water it the leaves can and will dry out if you have too much fan on it for too long...

try lights on + fan on = :) plants

lights off + fan off = :) plants


Well-Known Member
Wait, if those measurements are correct...3 month old plants in 2 pints of soil? Is there any soil left or just a root ball?


Well-Known Member
Find some pulverized dolomitic of calcitic (not hydolyzed) lime and work a small amount into what's left of your soil, although a transplant might be better.


Well-Known Member
ok I checked the PH and its pretty damn acidic. it was around 5, what number should I use to counter act that?

well the easiest way to fix is to gently pull from the bottom of the stem GENTLY till the root ball + soil is out of its container... if it doesnt have a good root system yet to do such pulling then just split your fingers around the main stem as if you were holding a cigarette between your fingers and flip the container upside down... then outside or wherever you can just rinse off a majority of the soil from the roots then place rootball gently back into another container with fresh soil that is already moist fresh from the bag and then give it a good watering after having transplanted it...

then dont water it again till the plant "droops" and top several inches of container is dry... then rinse and repeat same water amount till dripping out of bottom container... then next watering feed 1/4 strength nutes then plain water next then after that 1/2 nute strength... then water after that... then back to full strength on and off water/feeding schedule...

hope it works out and enjoy the grow... even though a hermie and from the looks of it more "male" than anything... just grow it out as much as possible if you have no other plants/females and get it back into veg state for another month so as to have more plant material... because it will definitely not be very potent at all so the more plant material you have the more you'll be able to smoke/ make cannabutter etc... otherwise at the size and rate you keep flowering at that rate... you will only have about enough to maybe get mildly high about 5 times cause you will need to smoke about 3g or more each time to get a buzz at all...


Well-Known Member
Is there any solution outside of transplanting to a new pot and soil? Im a beginner and I dont want to accidentally hurt it.
At this point you probably won't hurt it too much more with a transplant. In fact you might help it. Just take care not to damage the roots and you should be fine.
From my newb experience plants love a transplant. Just my 2cents but I have transplanted a lot of my plants 3-4 times and they just seem to grow faster after 1-2 days of rooting.


Well-Known Member
Bro, to be 100% honest. START OVER! Your not going to get jack diddly in terms of yield at harvest time. My suggestion, is get some more seeds or clones(preferrably) and also invest in Jorge Cervantes Medical Grow Bible and read and read like a mother f*cker. Read about the vegetative cycle in Ch.3; read the Ch.11(Water & Nutrients) over and over, and just when you think you undertand, read it again. I promise you it will give you a very good platform to build on. I have been growing for years and I still look at this book nearly everyday. Read, keep your pH of your water and soil in check, DO NOT over feed, and with the correct soil and lighting you can shape your future into something brilliant and far less mundane than the 9-5.