Leafs Drooping, Curling over and darkening

My plant has been triving for about 2 months now, its been doing very well. Over the last couple of days ive knoticed some leaves kinda wilting and turning weak and blackish. What could be the problem, ive heard overwatering but is there anything else that ould cause this??


I have a fair size enclosure, about 4 wide 3 deep and about 5 tall, I have 2 floursecent lights on chains to raise the lights as needed. Above on top i have a 5000k CFL Spot light . I have a fan built in the enclosure that moves 91 cfm, the temp in the enclosure is usually between 78 and 83 F. I guessed it was growing slowly but i couldnt figure out why, Can you give me any tips for my next season, for im fairly certain its going to die. I woke up and the cannopy had sagged over and all the leaves were wilted, inculuding the ones groing around the main stem. Any tips would help me out alot, this is really my first attempt at growing.


Active Member

Have you been using nues? How often and how much do you water? Pot size too?
She is small, how long has she been it the pot she is in now?
It also need more lighting, i run 2 tubes vertical, 3 26's on top and 5 spread around her and give her 1/4 turn every 2 days, Try the same setup!
Does the soil your using now contain any nutes?

she may recover with some tlc
I have been using nutes 19 - 6 - 12, i have 3 month time relese nutes, and water about every other to third day.

It is extremely small for its age. As Far as ligting goes what would you reccomend? Flourescent tubes, CFLS ( or cfl spot lights) or HPS, keep in mind its a reletivaly small box. And what light colors should be used to give them the right spectrum of light. And does Brightness and color temp of light matter or is it the lumnens that is whats measured?

The soil im using now is gardners choice organic compound with 3 months of fert. And its currently in a 3 gallon pot.

Down in the soil about 2 inches about how wet should the dirt be? Wet, damp, or mildy damp?

I have seen many plants that look droopy and wilted, but these leaves feel like soggy paper, Could this be an overwatering problem?

What is the appropriate temperature to keep your enclosure at? This weekend I am adding 1 more 85 cfm 120mm fan for more air, to cool it down some.

Little flying bugs, are they a problem, if so how do i get rid of them? I dont have many, but have seen a few

Thanks for your help

Also, elaborate on this for me a little please

"I run 2 tubes vertical, 3 26's on top and 5 spread around her and give her 1/4 turn every 2 days"



Active Member
pictures are to small cant make much out. are your lights to far away? thats the impression i am getting.
No the 2 flouro tubes are within an inch na half of the cannopy, but there is a CFL spot light on top shining straight down. Should i add lights on the side of the enclosure, if so Tubes or CFL's, Also what color should the lights be for vigerous flouro growth?


Active Member
isyour fan blowing directly on the plant?
this happens to some of my leaves when right infront of my circulation fan.

do you know the color temp of your tubes? because i had a friend that used cool white flouro tubes, which were something like 4100k and they were useless, the plant barely uses the light.
getor add "daylight" cfls, 6500k.
and i'm under the impression that none of your lighting will do much good while flowering.
The fan is blowing on the bottom towards the edge of the pot and the vent hole is in the top so its flowing cool air over the plant but not directly. I had 1 Cool White Flouro Tube on top, And a 5000k Flouro tube next to it, the cfl was also 5000k. Im kinda thinkin this is a little to little light, should i add 2 more flouros to the sides of the enclosure, and perhaps change the spot to a tube as well, and maybe replace all my bulbs with 6500k lamps.

Also what temp is too hot for the plant mines running about 83 or so.


Active Member
83f is not ideal but i think it's fine, my plants are around that. 90f is when you start getting nute lock. or os i've read.

you should really go through the FAQ, you have so many questions, i think you need more light, i think you would probably be better off with nothing but daylight cfls, at least that way when you flower you can change to 2700k cfls and get better results. but all i really know is what i read in the faq, you might want to consider a redesign.

if you have money to spend an hps, even a small one seems to work wonders, i've had much better results with mine.

B Irie

The fan is blowing on the bottom towards the edge of the pot and the vent hole is in the top so its flowing cool air over the plant but not directly. I had 1 Cool White Flouro Tube on top, And a 5000k Flouro tube next to it, the cfl was also 5000k. Im kinda thinkin this is a little to little light, should i add 2 more flouros to the sides of the enclosure, and perhaps change the spot to a tube as well, and maybe replace all my bulbs with 6500k lamps.

Also what temp is too hot for the plant mines running about 83 or so.
My plants Also get a bit of leaf curl when they sit directly in front of the circulation fan. The overall condition of the plant is not changed at all but there are acouple of leaves the curl and darken slightly. They curl down, towards the underside of the leaf and don't ever turn brown or die.

Just saying, don't mean to Jack your thread! I say give your plant some more light and maybe get it outof the pre-fertilized soil and give it some time with just water and a neutral medium.
Good luck

B Irie

Also, I say go hps for sure. Start small with a 150 watt or something. You should be able to keep the space cool if you use an Inline fan like a vortex. Can't beat a ten year warrantee.
I look at it like this, if you want to bake a cupcake you buy an easy bake oven, if you want to make a killer restaurant quality dish, over and over again with good results you buy an industrial oven. Only problem there is that you need all the industrial accoutrements to operate it...
Rambling now but I think you Know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Ditch that 5000k. It's nearly useless and you won't see growth. Better get 6500k, they give up much less heat to so that would make your temps a couple degrees cooler.