Leafs seem droopy, purple stems


Hi new to the group and also to growing.

first off growing 3 plants in coco coir with perlite. Around 50 days old from seed. feeding flora trio nutrients lights on 24/0 (keep my temperatures in the right range) using a 600w hps bulb good air flow in and out, temps good, 2 oscillating fans on.
Been watering every day for the last few weeks, plants have loved life. Just recently I have noticed one plant has started to get purple stems towards her fan leafs. Other two nothing. Also the fan leafs and new growth are dropping down (looks like overwatering) not sure why though as been feeding the same 20% run off every day no signs of over water. Ppm run off around 7/800 ppm. Bit worried because they really don’t look happy. Would love your input thank you.



Well-Known Member
This looks to me like airflow. If you get a sturdy oscillating fan pointing at them on medium they will perk up like you wouldnt believe.

If fans are good, then too much water, but i think fans are not enough as setup now.


Well-Known Member
soggy bottoms. you dont want em sitting in the runoff like that. something like this:



Well-Known Member
In your grow details, you mention all the important factors except probably your most important factor: pH. This is where I'd start, if all your other factors hold true.

Consequently, when you moved to once a day feedings (which you should do from seed when possible), did you also re-pot them?


In your grow details, you mention all the important factors except probably your most important factor: pH. This is where I'd start, if all your other factors hold true.

Consequently, when you moved to once a day feedings (which you should do from seed when possible), did you also re-pot them?
thanks For the reply,
yes ph is 5.8 bought a good tester so I don’t have issues also calibrate once a week.
Transplanted a while ago now into 5 gallon smart pots. And been watering every day from seed. Left it to dry out over the last couple of days and still no sign of improvement with the leaves.
I have flushed one of them today to see if this helps the ppm run off was around 8/900.do you think they could of been locked out?


Well-Known Member
If you've been watering everyday in a 5 gallon smart pot, you are overwatering.

You say you have let it dry out a couple of days... 2? 3? You may need to go 5 days and let the plant use up the water that is stored in the perilite. Depending on how much you have in there, it may take awhile.

Our girls don't like being overwatered. You have to remember that.


Well-Known Member
This looks to me like airflow. If you get a sturdy oscillating fan pointing at them on medium they will perk up like you wouldnt believe.

If fans are good, then too much water, but i think fans are not enough as setup now.
I still believe its fans, they look healthy but droopy, and overwatering coco is not that easy.

You may have fans, but they are not setup right imo. They need airflow to break up little microclimes that exist in the canopy.


I still believe its fans, they look healthy but droopy, and overwatering coco is not that easy.

You may have fans, but they are not setup right imo. They need airflow to break up little microclimes that exist in the canopy.
Appreciate all the reply’s. I’ve left it 2 days to dry out. Top layer was really light brown pot was very very light and coco was very compact.
I have a small 6 inch fan blowing over the canopy also have a large floor standing fan that oscillates over all three plants.


Well-Known Member
Consider switching your lights to give 'em some rest; 18/6 will keep them in vegetative if you're still looking to veg, though 50 days is already more than enough.

What's your RH?

This does look like an overwatering issue, so if they aren't perking up as you let them dry out, i really think giving them some more regular light cycling will help even out the metabolic processes.

best of luck,

be easy,



Active Member
Dayum man they look overwaterd. Ease up on the waterings. Give it 3 to 5 days Ur plants will let u know when they require water. They can be saved just don't water them everyday and they'll perk back up. Good luck


Getting a heater tomorrow so I’m gunna put back to 18/6. Will also not water for a while to see if they pick back up.

RH is around 50%

Want to flip to flower ASAP but I want to get this issue sorted before I do so.


Quick update. I tested yesterday by flushing one and watering the other two as normal.
This morning both fed ones have popped back up and look fantastic again. Flushed one looks even worse.


Well-Known Member
If you're in coco, those flushes are going to kill you...as will letting them dry out too much, so tread carefully.

In the future, you can easily grow the size plants you have in a 2 gallon pot or less. By using a smaller pot, it will allow you to feed more without the worry of over watering. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I think your problem is you are not getting enough run off and maybe feeding a bit high. In veg I stay around 600ppm tds. Try feeding them twice as much feed. When you feed them say a gallon, wait 20 minutes for old nutes to dissolve, then feed them another gallon. That will help.

12 hours ish after your feeds give them a cal mag only 150ppm-200ppm tds. They love it!

I water my coco plants everyday. They love it. Coco still holds 30% ish oxygen even straight after a feed once the run off has stopped.

You flushed your plants, washed out the excess nutes, then fed 2 of them and they look better. Drop to 600ppm and just get fuck loads of run off and your plants will be singing and dancing. Honestly try that small cal mag top up. It just helps them lap up the nutes feed from 12 hours before. Stops the coco drying out too much. People charge their coco bricks with cal mag, so I figured why not give them just that 1 in 2 feeds.

If I don't get enough run off my plants have same problems as yours. If I get fuck loads of run off they look great.


Thanks people going to water/feed tomorrow with plenty of run off and hope the last remaining one pops up. Desperate to flip over now