leafs turning yellow WTF? HELP!


just went to look at my ladies and i noticed one of my plants turning yellow

what the hell is this ?
is my plant ok ?
im shure it not overwaterd i water once in 4 days



Well-Known Member
looks fine so far.
hows your ventilation?
have you started feeding nuteS? how old is the plant?
whats kinda soil?

u might have a nitrogen deficiency

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I would give it some time and see if it develops into anything major. It doesn't look that bad to me. As long as the new growth comes out normal you should be fine. Young plants are pretty sensitive but unless you are overdoing the watering or nutes it should be fine. My plants get sick looking leaves all the time but if you stick to the rules your plant will get over its shit by its self.


looks fine so far.
hows your ventilation?
have you started feeding nuteS? how old is the plant?
whats kinda soil?

u might have a nitrogen deficiency
yea i just moved it over under the light i think thats what caused it to turn yellow
ventilation is good i got air coming in and air going out just as it should be
i did start feeding nutes give them just a bit cause i dont want to over nut...
plants are 23 days old (since they popped out of the soil)
the soil i got from a gardening shop with pH 6.0-7.0

i got a big stash of rain water (mix that with nuts now) thats all they get no tap water