Leak Proof DIY EZ Cloner


Find any cooler taller than 15 inches
Open the lid.
Cut the bottom of the lid out on the inside of the dropped lip.
Drill holes every two inches in the bottom of the lip.
I use Aqua Via water pumps as they are low heat and only $16 for a 315 gph
Depending on size of cooler you should only need one pump.
Make a PVC manifold that sits as a flat square (or circle in a water cooler).
Drill and Tap the top of your manifold for a pack of EZ Clone 360 nozzles.
Drill 1-7/8" holes where you want to put your donuts (not sure what they are called) I use the harder thicker 2" foam ones as they seal tighter. run power cord through a donut, dump your juice in and never worry about waterproofing : >-~
Just got another cooler today to make for pics. I have made clones in one of these and another similar type (water cooler version) with a homeade sprayer from a stubby bottle with 3000 holes poked in it but it looks pretty ghetto (cooler was in a fire before i picked it up) It clones just as fast as an ez cloner. I have lots of friends that have made their own with tubs before and they always have sealing issues.
Pic of shitty water cooler one below
Figured I'd upload the hole filled firebox guy