Leaky Cloner/Weatherstrip Question.


Well-Known Member
Trying to build my first aeroponic cloner, from rubbermaid 54 gallon storage bin and the lid has a lousy fit. Bought some self adhesive, EPDM rubber seal, "D" shaped weatherstrip at Home Depot. Is there something better to use?

Looked up EPDM and it is used in roofing, where people collect the water run-off for drinking, so it must be safe.
How high should the water in an aeroponic cloner get?? Should it be shooting out of the container with lid off, or barely getting to the lid?

Also, should the cutting fit in the net pot, or can it extend from the bottom? Are there advantages or problems from the cutting being too long?
your pots will sit a little lower, make sure that it is high enough to get the pots. i found that rope caulk, or cord weatherstripping, works the best. it is cheap, easy to install and remove. never had a leak since i started using it. its in the weatherstrip section at lowes.
I think we used to have something called fingertip caulk, that was like clay. Is that similar to what you are talking about? My only concern with that, is if it effects the water. The EPDM is safe in contact with drinking water.

I have already installed it, so will test it later or tomorrow. Will put a couple of small weights on the top, for a better seal.

What about hydroton VS no media/insert?

The container I used was 22 dollars at HD, and is very thick, so no light gets in.
And I use the half round grey weatherstripping that has sticky on one side and a stainless steel screw in the middle of each side. It does have to be replaced but if you are gentle, it will last longer than you might think!
Should the cutting fit in the net pot, or can it extend from the bottom? Are there advantages or problems from the cutting being too long?
the rope caulk sounds like what you said. i have used it for many, many harvests and no deteriation of loss noted. it comes off looking like i put it on.
Mine stick out the bottom of the net pot about a quarter of an inch and about four inches upove the collar. One thing that really helped me was taking a branch at least ten ten inches long and cutting the bottom off! You don't want the bottom part woody unless of coarse you're a chick:)
I made a curtain around the inner edge of the lid using a trash bag. I used a plastic glue to secure the plastic curtain to the lid. The curtain is approximately 3" long. Like a shower curtain. Works great!
Not to jack your thread, zatoichi2, but this is a cool sounding idea!

I made a curtain around the inner edge of the lid using a trash bag. I used a plastic glue to secure the plastic curtain to the lid. The curtain is approximately 3" long. Like a shower curtain. Works great!

Any pics, joseaf? What exactly did you use for the curtain?? I 've been dealing with this leaking bs for YEARS, with all of the weather strippings, etc....and none have ever lasted me over 2-3 months. And I haven't tried the rope type stuff, so I may try that after-all. I always figured it wuold have too much of a memory and indent easiely, etc.......
Great thread and maybe someone with the real answer will step up? I want a container built like the ez-cloner's, with the lid sitting inside, haha!!

I made a curtain around the inner edge of the lid using a trash bag. I used a plastic glue to secure the plastic curtain to the lid. The curtain is approximately 3" long. Like a shower curtain. Works great!

I really like this idea. I would use a shorter one-inch curtain however, and of a slightly heavier material that won't tend to pinch when i close the lid. cn
I made a curtain around the inner edge of the lid using a trash bag. I used a plastic glue to secure the plastic curtain to the lid. The curtain is approximately 3" long. Like a shower curtain. Works great!
Did exactly the same thing with panda film. Used hot melt plastic glue.
i find that ice cooler containers don't leak at all with aero manifolds. They are a bit more expensive and heavier. But you will never get a leak...