Leaky Lids/tubs.....uhg!


Well-Known Member
I'm using large 50+ gallon plastic tubs from Home Depot to create a home made aero system where the the sprayers are fed in from the tops of the lids. The system works fine except for the one major annoyance - the lids leak.... well, more specifically, water seems to pool up in between the tiny space where the lid sits on the tub, and it pools for approximately half the length of the tub (only half way because I have the tubs on a slight incline to get the water to drain out to the main rez). Of course the pooled water then leaks onto the floor, which is covered by plastic dropcloth but still super duper annoying! I have to mop it up practically every day!

I have tried creating a silicone barrier in between the lids...this did not work.
I have tried attaching a piece of dropcloth all the way around the interior of the tub hanging from the inside of the lid in an attempt to block the water from entering the lid-tub channel...this did not work either.

I'm kind of out of ideas and I see the most clever and inventive creations on here all the time.

Anyone have any thoughts on how keep water out of the channel between lid and tub?

P.S. I should add that I don't want to create a permanent seal b/w the lid and tub. I still need to be able to lift the lids every now and again to clear a drain or check the roots/sprayers etc.
I've used a thin type of foam weatherstripping. You should be able to get that at any hardware store. It worked ok if I recall correctly.

- Jiji
I've fought those battles before----might know a few tricks. However; If would be really helpful with a picture or two to offer a suggestion.

Here are some pics that hopefully might help.

I just bought a few different kinds of weather stripping foam and rubber weatherseals that I'm going to test out.


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That's amazing! That is the exact weather strip tape I bought yesterday! You're right there are a ton of different sizes and varieties.
It seems to be holding tight with no leaks for the moment! :)
Let's hope it continues to work!
Thanks a million!!!
That's the same stuff i used on my totes. You can put a spot of silicone where the ends meet or you will get a tiny drip through there..not really worth worrying about though.
Dude... Buy a float/ noodle from Walmart and slice it down the middle. Fit around the edge of your rez.

I use these to make "pucks" if you will, for my aero system.