Learn how to fucking spell!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ!! I'm from an illiterate paradise, but damn. Some of the threads look like they were started by 3rd graders...


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ!! I'm from an illiterate paradise, but damn. Some of the threads look like they were started by 3rd graders...
i look at it like this, if i type u, instead of you, there isnt gonna be a person out there who doesnt know what im trying to say, Ill agree some people go overboard with this. I personally can't stand when people type slang, like dis for this, da for the, just stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
Why is this in the wrong section and its the internet man shits never going to be right on here...i type on a phone so i usually get typos but try to fix them


Active Member
Text slang used in a forum setting is pure laziness. Since when is punctuation a crime?

I don't like "prolly" either. :)


Well-Known Member
Seth Meyers on Weekend Update about the Pope tweeting in Latin: "What better way to revive an ancient language than to reach out to people who spell "later" with an "8"?"


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ!! I'm from an illiterate paradise, but damn. Some of the threads look like they were started by 3rd graders...
...so how does starting a thread to whine about it help anything? ...maybe just learning to ignore the posts you find offensive would serve you better.

just my .02

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
So, last night my wife and I pull up to the front row of a red light intersection with a guy holding a cardboard sign next to us that reads, "Anything helps my son and I". I looked at my wife and asked her if she thought I should tell him to correct it to "Anything helps my son and me". She hates it when I correct people on "I and me", but it is a big pet peeve, so I go on. I told her, "remove the son and the sign sounds stupid, 'anything helps I'". I told her he could have written "my son and I appreciate any help". I threw a few more out and she began to get perturbed, even though she was laughing at my intensity and conviction. As we headed through the intersection I said, "well, perhaps if he spoke better English, he wouldn't be out here holding a sign". She got a good laugh, and so did me.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ!! I'm from an illiterate paradise, but damn. Some of the threads look like they were started by 3rd graders...
I totaly agree. Also think people should use correct punctuation. I mean where in the real world are 2 or 3 exclamation points ever used. Jesus Christ!!


Well-Known Member
...so how does starting a thread to whine about it help anything? ...maybe just learning to ignore the posts you find offensive would serve you better.

just my .02

peace, bozo
Just like growing weed...

Some people just need to vent. And some people need heavy-duty filters on their vents.