
Wee jules

I've just started for my first time 2 of them are absolutely fine but one of them the leaves at the bottom have went a wee bit discolour is there anything I can do to fit it..They were put in the pots on the 10th of this month still babys but I'm feeding them Formulex bt been told to feed them a small amount every day but I'm not even sure if that's right but I've been waiting till there really dry so I dont drown them cos is it right also that blue cheese dont like too much water/feed at first I mixed 6ml with 2 litre of water as it's meant to be 5ml to a litre but they were so small I was scared to use that amount so now am using 8 to 2 litres do you think I maybe need to up it to the 5ml to every litre just to make sure but I think I've to change the food in about 2 weeks at the most now As my friend let's me know but I just want to make sure because of the bottom leaves going a tiny bit yellow on one‍♀️If someone could please get back would be great thanks so much and which adult food do u recommend or can u use formulex the whole way through My friend told me to get one can remember the name will need to look bk at messages but what one do use recommend I dont have a clue as I said it's my first time so Just got to hope for the best