Leaves always drooping, not caused by under/overwatering


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow and im trying out White Russian. I dont understand why my leaves are always drooping. they look very healthy but its a concern to me of course. The temp (71-77F) and light cycle (18-6) are perfect, humidity not so much at 19% =/. Here are some pictures please help. I have overwatered it once but that was 4 days ago and its been drooping before it happened.



Well-Known Member
The roots are probably rotten from overwatering the first time or whatever.. They need a chance to catch back up. So yes, it is indeed caused by self admittedly overwatering.

good luck


Well-Known Member
"Not caused by overwatering"

"i have overwatered it once"

???? I must be missing something.


Active Member
"Not caused by overwatering"

"i have overwatered it once"

???? I must be missing something.
yeah like the part where he says its been happening since before he overwatered...to op, is your soil really dense? cuz this could cause it, also that soil looks pretty dry are you sure you are not undre watering it?


Well-Known Member
Well it's my opinion that overwatering doesnt happen "once". The roots would have to be wet for days before it shows symptoms. So if it was drooping and then he "overwatered it once" it would surely suffer severely.

and maybe you missed the part of no water for 4 days.. Thats why the soil is dry, but the roots are still dead. (And recovering).

Give it a very tiny bit of water in a day or two and it'll bounce back once the roots catch back up.


Well-Known Member
That's a classic over-watered leaf structure. You have drainage holes in your cup and have amended soil to improve drainage?

sativa indica pits

Active Member
That's a classic over-watered leaf structure. You have drainage holes in your cup and have amended soil to improve drainage?
if the soil is so compact, it will show signs of over watering when it is completely dry!! this is what happens when there isnt enough oxygen in the soil. there suffocating from lack of o2. that would be my guess

you have to add some perlite, vermiculite like bugeye said amend your soil


Well-Known Member
i do have drainage holes yes. man these plants sure are picky. so i need better drainage then and perlite is my answer?


Well-Known Member
SnaFu is right.

Roots at this stage are quite small. One over-watering in that small a container would be more than the roots could handle. It will take time to recover

Feed with 1/3 strength foliar spray as soon as lights come on. Also spray the surface with ~ 1 tablespoon max

Also you have a lot of lights in there. Too much light + not enough healthy root mass (or recovering roots) = death


Well-Known Member
I would make sure whatever you transplant into has good drainage. I like 1/4 potting soil, 1/4 perlite, 1/4 coir fiber, 1/4 worm castings as a start. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
ya....it died...lol. how am i supposed to water it then? i need to get the water to the roots which are of course towards the bottom...or maybe i just didnt have good drainage and suffocated it???

sativa indica pits

Active Member
really it died? damn man that sucks!! I cant kill a plant even when I try...lol I just left a male in the dark for 20+ days, didnt water it once, temps were about 50-55 the entire 3 weeks. I pulled it out put it back in my room, its dropping pollen all over the place!! good soil will take this weed a long ways!!
It died???

Check out my journal and I show pics of when I over watered and add wayyy to many nutes....beginner mistake.
But I just flushed and boom they came back to life in a few days time.
Did you get rid of it already? If not, poke holes in the bottom, stick a chopstick in the soil to aerate it and water a bit, then leave under the light for a few days. Should revive.


Well-Known Member

Use quality coco and hydro nutes, not some shit dug up on the side of the road. Its not happy in the medium.


Well-Known Member
if your using all 3 of those lights close to your plants is overkill, how close are your lights? overwatering looks a bit diffrent than that alot of people confuse the 2, Notice how top leaves are more wilted that is becuase the majority of the intensity is on them , that is how they react to light stress


Well-Known Member
Id back em up a foot...LOL ive helped like 4 people with this same problem this morning . and not a single dang rep up haha, all good . I love the cannabis .Im Lit

Also put a cup of water in there or next to your plant to raise humidity . to be completely honest id use a better soil mix too

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
really it died? damn man that sucks!! I cant kill a plant even when I try...lol I just left a male in the dark for 20+ days, didnt water it once, temps were about 50-55 the entire 3 weeks. I pulled it out put it back in my room, its dropping pollen all over the place!! good soil will take this weed a long ways!!
lol man u can do that lol.! post a pic of your roots..lol u have real deal big boy roots