Leaves begining to discolor. Ideas needed.


New Member
DWC in 5 gallon bucket
400W HPS
~3 Weeks into flowering
Light 1.5 feet from highest stem
Flora Grow/Micro/Bloom nutes
4 tsp Grow, 7 tsp Micro, 8 tsp Bloom total for 4 gallons of water
Water changed every Saturday, add pHed tap water as needed in between changes.
5.9 pH on current reservior
Lights schedule: 9PM-9AM, zero light getting to plants
No bugs
82 degrees with lights on, ~76 at lights out.
Strain: White Widow x Big Bud Feminized

A couple mid-level leaves began discoloring last Wednesday. Went on a business trip, came back 4 days later and several were now discolored. The top leaves just recently started discoloring, all of which happened over the last 9 hours. The plant still looks great and it's the best plant I've ever grown, especially since this is my first shot at DWC. Just want to get this fixed before it explodes out of control.

To me it looks like light nutrient burn but I don't see how that's possible because I was using this exact formula for the first week and nothing happened. I especially don't know how it could happen when I further dilute the nutrients about every night as the reserviour drops. However, there are some faint yellow marks on the tips of the upper leaves and some of the lower leaves do appear burnt. I've nuked plants before but it never looked like this. I'm really stumped and would appreciate some help. Let me know if you need more pics, this was all I could get before my phone started dying.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency (this is common early in flowering with certain strains due to the stretch), and you also have the beginnings of a cal/mag deficiency. I don't see any signs of nute burn


Well-Known Member
A nitrogen deficiency would result in yellowing leaves. Those leaves look quite abundant in nitrogen to me.