Leaves, bugs, and nug size problems. Please Help. One love.

Hey everybody, first post here so sorry for being a newb, repeating info, or whatever else you want to call me out on haha.

But anyways, a little background info here. I am about 25/30 days into flowering, in a 6x6 tent with a 1000w ballast, 1000w hps bulb, 8in inline exhaust w/ carbon can, one larger and smaller oscillating fan on opposite sides of the tent, the smaller being closer to the plants.

Strains: Platinum OG - 14, Shiskaberry (largest), and Blue OG.

* Note, I did not use any nutes during veg, as I did not have the money at the time.

First problem, that has not occurred up until now, (around day 25) is that the bottom half of the plants are turning yellow, some at a fast rate, and are starting to do so at the top as well. I'm not sure if this was due to over watering or not using nutes up until now. (Shiskaberry below)
shiskaberry bottom.jpg
shiskaberry top.jpg

Second problem, the Platinum OG has small yellow spots on the leaves (spider mites?), and it's leaves are drooping almost all the way to the top, as well as now turning yellow and brown.
platinum og bottom.jpg

Third problem, I have had a gnat/fruit fly infestation, that seems to be getting under control now by placing fly strips, not watering as much, and apple cider vinegar traps in the corners of the tent. I'm not sure if this problem attributes to any of the problems above.

Fourth problem, some of the nugs on the Platinum OG, and the Blue OG are pretty small, what can be done about this? (Platinum OG below)

platinum og top cola (small).jpg

-- I am now using nutes at this point in flowering up, starting two days ago.
---My nute recipe, which I was given by a friend is:
ph up 1/4 tablespoon, Protekt 1 tablespoon, and mag pro 1 tablespoon. All of this mixed into a 5gallon jug which I water the plants with as needed.

SO Much love to anybody who can help me out with any of these problems!!
thank you for responding bro! It is fox farm soil. Which picture are you referring too? I thought I was over watering at one point.


Well-Known Member
I,m sure you could find something to top dress or make a tea from for next to nothing. If your crafty.


Well-Known Member
I think in addition to watering your problem is nutes. The nutes in the fox farm ran out. What you are adding is not the total package. If using Dyna, you need grow and bloom. Or dump the MagPro and use Foliage Pro with the ProTekt.