Leaves burnt by light...is my plant going to die?


Ok so i have been vegging my plant for the last month and decided to start flowering it last night. Well I went out and my roommate said he could water it and then turn the lights off later at night for my 12/12. Anyways, the plant was too close to the light and 4 or 5 leaves got completely fried. Will this have any effect on the flowering process or the bud it produces?
pictures would be nice as I cant tell you. But if you get it to come back and flower I wouldn't think it would affect the yield or potency.


Active Member
na they wont grow new leaves if they are the larger top fan leaves.

ive gone thru this many times. just leave the leaves on. if there are some areas on the leaf that arent fried then the plant will use it.

if its completely burn like falling off then ya pull em off. but i have had some decent results leaving the burnt leaves on compared to pulling them.