leaves burnt from fallen light


Active Member
Sorry, my search box hasn't been working all day... lame
but my question to you.. will my plants survive?

they are still seedlings so I'm not so worried if I have to toss them but basically I have a micro grow goin and glued cfl's fell on the plants for only about fifteen seconds because I heard it happen while I was in my room. I fixed the lights more securely but i figured last night when this happened that my plants were done because the leaves wilted and not in great shape.

since last night the plants are still growing... the stems that is. the stems are healthy but all of the leaves are basically dead. anything I should do that would allow these plants to continue grow up normally and produce bud? should I clip the leaves?
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
As long as the apical leaves are alive they'll survive, it'll take a while though for them to bounce back (about 2 weeks). If you think you need more help. Please make sure you be as specific as possible with ALL aspects of your grow Soil, water, water schedule, nute, lighting, PH levels, humidity, temp, type of system, and all you can think could be useful, and upload some Photos.