Leaves changing colour..First timer plz help.


So I had my plant under one 100W HPS before, but now I have it under that same bulb, plus 6 CFLs (23W), as I plan on adding another plant or two. After switching the lighting, my plant went from having lime green leaves to having a mix of lime green and dark green leaves. That is, all the new leaves are significantly darker green than the other leaves. So now I have lime green leaves at the bottom, and dark green at the top. I've also noticed there is less of a distance between the leaves on the stem (I think it got stretched), and also new smaller leaves are forming throughout the stem on basically every leaf node. Just wondering if this is all normal...


Well-Known Member
Mostly normal. The color difference isn't going to be from the lighting though, that has to do with nutrients. Nitrogen is what gives it the darker green color. Less distance between the leaves is a good thing.


Okay, well that makes sense because I fed it right after I moved it. Does that mean I should add less nitrogen? Cause the leaves also started getting crispy, which I thought may have been heat, but maybe its nute burn???


Well-Known Member
Hard to say without a picture, but it's possible. Did you start her out at full strength? Usually you wanna start lower, like say quarter to half strength, depending on the strain - and build her up from there.