Leaves crackling and turning brown.


Active Member
This seemed to happen as soon as I switched to a flowering cycle and changed the light from an MH to HPS. No nutes have been added, and I have been watering the same since the start of the grow. Not sure whats happening here!

I have included a pic of the plant as a whole, as well as a closeup of whats actually happening the leaf without the hps shining on it. My guess was the light was too close, and I have since then raised the light.

Any help would be appreciated...



Well-Known Member
Pics with HPS off would help us. What is your water source? What do you know about your water quality? What is your soil?

They look just watered or over-watered. Heat stress causes leaf tips to go upward but yours are cut off so can't tell.


Active Member
My water quality is reverse osmosis, and my soil is roots organic with some dolomite lime added to the soil. The leaves seem to be sticking out in all kinds of directions, there is no rhyme or reason. Its almost like they are twisting up and dying.


Well-Known Member
You have some leaf curling, possibly from over watering. Looks like slight heat stress to me.

What are you min/max temps/humidity? How far away was the light and how far away is it now?


Active Member
My temps stay around low to mid 60's and humidity is in the mid 50's. I think it i had the light about 8 inches away from the tops, but now the light is a foot away from the plants now.

I am noticing alot of the fan leaves are curling downward, almost like nitrogen toxicity, but why would the plants express that now where before they were not having any issues with the soil?