Leaves curling up on them selfs PICS


I changed from my Growth Nutes to the Bloom Nutes 2 days ago, along with changing the timing for the lights. Was on 24/7 for 5 weeks vegging, then switched to 12/12 for the floweing period.

The day after changing to bloom nutes, my plant's leaves started curling and folding up on themselves. I have a couple of photos below.

The main stem started droopping, however, with 12 hours on, it seems to have straightened up. The other lower branches are pretty damn floppy.

My questions are:

Is this normal?

How can i stop this happening?

What caused this to happen?

Can i trim the leafs off, and if so, how would i do that?

This is my first grow, so any help would be Greatley Appreciated.

Much regards,




Well-Known Member
do not cut off the leafs, unless they are necrotic and crumbling leave em.
thats not normal i know that. usually twisting of the leafs means the plant is being stressed in some way.
whats it grown in, what lights, how far from the lights.? soil? hydro? temp, nutes? maybe with a little more info we can figure it out. how often you watering?


Well-Known Member
just so ya know. the fan leafs which are the big leafs. the fans are basically the food storage and solar panel for the plant. by pulling off the fans you can totally fuck your plant. you will hurt it if you yank em. even if the corners or edges are crispy they can come back to life very easily. unless they are completely dry.. you could try and this is alwyas the first thing i do. water with just plain old water, flush any nutes and start em back up a little weaker.


Should have mentioned, Im using a NFT Hydro setup, 250W bulb, around 3ft away atm. I will leave the fan leafs on, they are dry but there not crumbly dry, not yet anyway.


why take out grow nutes? it still needs those lol
I was given a guide with my grow tank, which says when starting to flower, change the nutes a the same time as changing the lighting times. which is what i did. It saysto stop using the grow and to start using the bloom feed. Using both would make sence, however, the guide said change one for the other.

I have to say, im not too impressed with the detail of the guide and wouldnt be suprised if its wrong.


a flush is good every 2 weeks or so is what they say. i'm not changing mine until like 5 though. yeah what i heard is that the chemicals don't matter as much as the photoperiod for blooming. like i'm using general hydro advanced nutes and i put a bit of each in, i just focused more on the floragrow and floramicro for veg. the third part, florabloom, i'll focus on when i'll put it bloom phase. i don't know what chems you're using but yeah curling up and yellowing is lack of some nute most of the time. another sign is twisting leaves.