Leaves curling up! SEE PICS, any help appreciated!


Hi everyone!

So I've been growing auto frisian dew by Dutch passion, it's about 2 weeks into the grow and I've noticed that some of the leafs are curling up.

Ive looked around the forums and the answers I got was that it could have wind burn, it's how the strain grows, the humidity is too low.

So I'm not really sure what's the problem and I thought it would be nice for me to get a personalised answer by posting my own thread.

Any ideas on what's going on?

I tried to include a lot of pictures so you guys can get a good idea of how they look, though the pictures aren't great! :/

Also one of the plants have a slight tint of purple it seems on the branch, I do know that there's about a 10% chance of getting a purple pheno, but I'm a first time grower so I'm a bit cautious.

I'm just slightly concerned since I'm a first time grower and want to tackle the problem early before I put these baby's outside :D.
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these are my 3 plants
this is the plant with the purple tint, not sure how well you guys can see it
This is my shitty grow box, not pretty at all, but it does the job. I have a 1200 lumen clf and I'm using a usb fan with tissue in front to make the air blowing out less harsh (lol)


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