leaves curling? whats wrong.. pics..


Well-Known Member
I think they look okay for now, are u talking about that one strand on a leaf bowing inwards slightly. It could just be the shape it's taking, or it could be the begining of a prob, too early for me to tell, sorry


Well-Known Member
ouch dude get it out of the milk jug. Light on roots equals bad. Also test that deer park bottled waters ph. Nestle was warned multiple times for them going almost to 10 ph.


Active Member
just a bottle, tap water left out and treated with repti safe, yea i thought the opaque jugs would be a potential problem ill fix that now.. the leaves from the plant on the right were actually drooping on the sides and now their folded up?



Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are those? Reptisafe isnt the best for plants too, it removes harmfull nitrates to pets but some of those that are harmfull are needed for the plants. Aquasafe would have been a better choice but im guessing you have a pet frog or turtle or something. I work with aquatics(zoo med, tetra, azoo,allglass etc) all day thats how I know these things.


Well-Known Member
See I shouldn't have even spoke, I'm all baked and I missed the milk jugs. I'm goin to bed... lol Looks like Z has this shit under wraps so ur in good hands... peace, GL


Active Member
thanks guys, yea i have a baby python.. didnt really even think about that... what about the leaves curling like that though? and are they supposed to be glossy like that?


Well-Known Member
you should be fine, after you transplant them into something different just give them a small flush with a small amount of nutes till say 5% of the liquid comes out the bottom then they should be just fine. Also get a fan in there I don't see one. It simulates the wind and will help your stems beef up.


Active Member
there is a fan you can kinda see the white top of it in the second picture.. i took care of the clear jugs already. how often should i water and how much? and when i nute i have it mixed right but how much should i put in? ive read the newbie guide just couldnt find clarification. thanks


Well-Known Member
You want to water so some runoff water runs out the bottom of the pot. Then u know u are saturated. I think ur doing a good job...