Leaves dying during flower + possible to clone?


Active Member
So my plants fan leaves are dying.. I think it was from overnutrition before. I flushed it a couple days ago. Seems to be doing a little better. It's about the 3rd week of flower. I have a pH meter that says the pH was at 7.5 and at the last watering i put some of that soil acidifier (i think its some form of sulfur) and flushed with 5-10gallons. Should I continue to flush at each watering? (I water about twice a week) What other recommendations do you have to improve results during flowering? I have it under a 400w HID with supplemental 60w CFLs around the bottom. Oscillating fan on it most of the time. Temps reach 88-95 during the day and about 78-80 at night.

I was also wondering if I can still possibly clone one of the stems. If it is possible, do you have a recommendation of which stem to take?

Is there any estimates on how long there is left to flower? I'm hoping the leaves survive long enough to form the buds haha

thanks in advance for all your advice!

here are some pics below:

photo 5.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 1.jpg



Active Member
i was misting but stopped that over a week ago. only was misting with water.. one time i had a block of dry ice hovering above it for a night
well, city, or filtered water? Do you know the ppm your water starts at?
temps at 95 in the room but what is the temp right by those cfl's where the leaves are bleached? Any type of fresh air coming in? Could be a lot of things.
try to do a 50/50 filter tap water mix and do away with the cfl's it will help the temp more than they are worth. Well in this case at least when your temp are already so high. If you cant get easy access to filtered water or a reverse osmosis water filter a pitcher filter is the next best thing and will significantly lower tap ppm. I think there is a new one out called zero that claims 0ppm filtered water or something like that. Its a 2 stage filter better than a brita but r/o is easiest.

Just when your water is already hard and then you try to feed your plant the extra minerals in the ferts always burn smaller plants. Also a plant that size only needs 1/4 strength nutes max

You can still clone it or even revert it to veg. It will need a lot of trimming to get rid of the old junk and will start new growing. Either route you take. But if you somehow manage to get through flower id say id only be 1/8 if your lucky.

If you want to save it start by removing any leaf over 50% damaged. If you want to clone it, take the top use that and remove all the pre flowers. I only say the top because USUALLY on a damaged plant this is the point of least damage. Ideally you want to clone from the healthiest most mature branches that are usually mid to lower plant. If you want to re-veg it remove all the pre flowers and give it plain water and 24 hrs light.

Start by fixing the problems...heat and water. Then try to fix clone or re veg her. Only 3rd week she can be saved but yield will suffer tremendously.