Leaves dying...

The Sisko

Hi folks! :)

So I planted these fro seed at the beginning of the year. They sat on my patio all summer, but I brought them inside three weeks ago due to the colder weather. Since then, one of my three plants (which are all "Crown Royale") hasn't been looking so good.

They get watered about every three-four days, have a fan blowing on them all the time, are growing in a mixture of coir, compost, sand, and soil, and are currently on a 12 hours on/12 hrs off light cycle--and they are budding. They all get fertilized with tomato fertilizer about once four to six weeks.

Here are some pictures:

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Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks. :)

The Sisko

Here are the other two plants. No sign of the browning, but Ive noticed they've been a tad lighter shade of green since, well, the beginning, pretty much.

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The Sisko

Although it has warmed up again, it still gets down to 4C or 5C some nights. The day I brought them inside it was supposed to drop below 0C.

The Sisko

Looks like a nutrient clusterfuck to me. How about a picture of your healthy plants so we can see where you are coming from?
I'm starting to think the plant may be a write-off, as it has gotten considerably worse. Incidentally, I checked the soil PH this weekend, and it is fine. When digging down to get my soil sample, however, I noticed the plants are all very root bound.


Well-Known Member
Next time get on some better nutes made for what your growing there's lots of good reasonable options to where you don't gotta use tomatoe frets IMO

The Sisko

Turns out fungus gnats were the problem. The larve predator I bought was useless. I don't even think they came out of the teabag-thing they came in.

Yellow sticky traps are catching dozens of bugs every day, and I have some larve killing chemicals on the way.

Frustrating! One of my plants didn't make it, and the other two are looking pretty crummy.