Leaves folding inward and tips are yellow...cont


Here are a few pics of my little girl. It seems as if the leaves are folding inward (hotdog style). I am using rain water (don't know ph) and 6 cfl's 6500k and 2700k 2:1 ratio. The soil is sta-green all purpose potting mix with fertilizer (plan to buy new soil and transplant soon). Let me know if you think you may know the problem. Currently I have heat stress, and fert burn????

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Lemon king

Well-Known Member
you have the signs off the start of nute burn so

PROVIDING YOUR MEDIUM (DIRT) DRAINS WELL pour a 2liter coke bottle of water on her to help lower the nute levels in dirt.

cupping of LEafs downwards would suggest to me overfeeding as well. but since yours are curling up its defo a temp humidity issue AS WELL.

you have to much light for the seedling stage. ad all the other lights back in after the 5th set of leafs.

just use the 6500k for now, create good airflow (one hole top left. one hole bottom right! or get a fan etc....