Leaves hanging down at night

When I went to take a look outside a few nights ago, I noticed the leaves were hanging down. I thought I had overwatered so I did everything I could to dehydrate the soil. But the day after, as the sun rose, the leaves were straight up again as if nothing was wrong. But just when night fell the leaves went down. They seem to do this every night. I've never seen my other plants do that.
I was wondering if this is a sign of some kind of dificiency or the pH being too far off...
Someone having the same symptoms?
I'm growing in perlite soil mixture with organic nutrients (mostly bat guano and worm castings).


Well-Known Member
That is perfectly normal and a sign of a very healthy plant that is on a perfect water schedule. Mine sleep in fact all do unless under stress. I make a point of going to the grow site several times a week at night just to make sure they are sleeping. Good job


Well-Known Member
i love posts like these, shows people are paying attention to what their plants are doing, and they care. keep it up!


Well-Known Member
lol....i cant believe you actually had to ask that...lol..prepare for problems..you really shouldve done some reasearch prior to planting....thats marijuana 101..that the leaves lay down at night...
It's funny, because I've been doin' outdoor growing for 4 years now and I never really noticed.
I guess my previous plants never came to rest because of the streetlight reaching them.
Must be the change of location!
Too much attention to detail made me forget about the simple things ^^
Anyway, always a pleasure to learn something more about this beautiful plant! Thanks