Leaves pointing up on 18/6


Hey all

I was wondering if a young small plant with 4 sets of leaves are all pointing up.. Is that a bad thing? because new leaves trying to push through the middle are being squashed.. Is it a sign of anything? And after 3 weeks does it look okay?

Thanks for your replies.



All good man they are just pushing out, totally normal.
Your just freaking out lol!
Poor guy yes it is a sign of something its call growth.It does however look a little dry how long since you last watered got to the that baby moist

Redeye: Lol yeah i think I'm molly cuddling.. I'll let her do her thing

Catfish: Your right... last Sunday I gave her a proper water and on Thursday I gave her a mist to dampen everything.. Bought a pH tester today .. Looks like my water is near the high 5's.. So will sort that out tomorrow.. I thought maybe it's best to under water than over water.. Being a bit delicate I think


Well-Known Member
What you have here OP, is a perfectly watered youngster.

No more, no less. Only in the perfect state will she look so happy. Remember it.
Any over or under water will force those leaves back down.


Well-Known Member
Hey all

I was wondering if a young small plant with 4 sets of leaves are all pointing up.. Is that a bad thing? because new leaves trying to push through the middle are being squashed.. Is it a sign of anything? And after 3 weeks does it look okay?

Thanks for your replies.
It's just normal phototropism. All plants "lean" towards the light source, like yours is doing. Happy growing :joint: PS- Get a stronger light, your plant will thank you!


ok now that im looking at this not so retardedly stoned lol just wondering what strain is that?
To be honest.. I haven't got a clue.. Some random bag seed.

What you have here OP, is a perfectly watered youngster.

No more, no less. Only in the perfect state will she look so happy. Remember it.
Any over or under water will force those leaves back down.
I'm so happy to hear ☺ hopefully it's a girl

It's just normal phototropism. All plants "lean" towards the light source, like yours is doing. Happy growing :joint: PS- Get a stronger light, your plant will thank you!
Thanks.. I would love to but I'm too tight for space.. Like a parent who for now can only buy no brand cloths for 'her'


Well-Known Member
Haha, I understand completely. TRY to use 65w CFL's if you are able. Ambient Light = THE most important factor for an indoor grower. :bigjoint: Do what you can to bring more Light to them -