Leaves Problem- 2 Weeks Old

Newbie here! 2 weeks in and eveything was going great until i find leaves on 2 out of my 3 plants are wilting and curling up, i have no idea what to do!
here are some pictures like my problem.

im using a 400hps in a tent 1mx0.5mx2m.
the water i put in is around 6.4ph although the soil run off is 7.1ph.

hope somebody can help! x



Active Member
hey mate could be many things over watering temps , drainage what complete set up are they have they got fresh air intake and looks like u dident use alot of perlite
hi mate, thanks for youtr reply.
ive got a 5" fan coming out and 4 " fan taking fresh air in. i also have a fan circulating air in there. temps range from 80-88degrees.
im watering them about 30ml a day and leave them in a tray with a little water at the bottom which i top up every day as it dries out. plants are about 15-20cms from the light.
i havent used any nutes yet as the guy i bought it off said the soil has enough for the first 3 weeks.....
are they dieing??


Active Member
my advice would if u have no cooltube on ur 400 watt get it away from ur plants its stressing them dont water them only mist them let the pots dry and just mist twice daily for like 30 seconds each ova the leaves and pot i neva water for the first 2 weeks i just mist
also dont let the pots sit in water coz then u have no drainage at all u just gonna cause more problems for urself


Active Member
also ur temps do sound 2 high u wont the temps lower tbh anything about celuisus 28c lower u dont want above 30 c in the tent
ideal range is 25 - 29 c
its on an 18 hour cycle at the moment.
ive moved the plants away from the light a bit more, but how many cms would you say? They're currently 20cms away.
I just checked my temps and its 28.4 so that seems fine.
Since i put 30mil water in this morning how long should i leave them until i start misting?
also, are they likely to recover from this? over the last few hours there hasnt been any real noticable difference. ive also taken the water out the tray they are in. could they need nutes now?
thanks x


Active Member
nope dont give them nothing tbh the best thing u can do if move the light like 20 inches not cm so give the leaves a misting and see what happens thats all u can do too see if they recover


Well-Known Member
well i had a plant die like that (NOT MJ PLANT) but it was doing that cuz it was water logged and it could not get oxygen through its roots so it slowly wilted leaf by leaf
DO NOT water every day unless your soil is poor quality (which it doesnt look like) but unless your soil is drying up really quick start watering every other day at least to give the roots time to strech out and search for all of the water in the soil.


sounds to me like over watering i water my plant about a cup every 3-4 days. as for the temp they don't seem high my plant right now is about 90-100f and it just lovers the heat.


Well-Known Member
Newbie here! Im 2 weeks in and eveything was going great until when i woke up today to find my leaves on 2 out of my 3 plants are wilting and curling up, i have no idea what to do!
here are some pictures.

im using a 400hps in a tent 1mx0.5mx2m.
the water i put in is around 6.4ph although i just watered and checked the soil run off which was 7.1ph.

The first week I'll use fluorescent lights then I may give'em on day 4, 4 hours of my 400 watt lumatek turn down to 275 then on the 5 & 6 increasing it by 2 hours each day then on the 8th day 400 watt all day.


Am haveing the same issue with my seedling its curling down and turning yellow, I have it in a rockwool cube. My lighting the sun for about 10 or more hours and then in a tent under 400 mh cooltube intill I put it back out side. Is it true that u can't over water rockrool?