Leaves rolling / curling inward from the sides


Active Member
So I'm about two weeks from harvest, I noticed that some of the very top fan leaves are curling slightly inward at the sides, not too seriously (Think of holding a piece of binder paper by the sides).. They are a nice rich green color with no discoloration, the only problem is that they're curling that little bit.. Experienced a lot of odd plant activity over the years, this is a new one on me...

I'd rather not mess with my nute schedule, it's pretty strict and my cola's are huge right now and def. still growing.. sooo I guess all I'm looking for is any experience with this problem and hopefully reassurance that it isn't anything serious..


Well-Known Member
if youre that close to harvest its probs just the plant using nutes to the bud production...thats how it works right? cause eventually your leaves will yellow and fall off..


Well-Known Member
if youre that close to harvest its probs just the plant using nutes to the bud production...thats how it works right? cause eventually your leaves will yellow and fall off..
not necessarily! alot of growers keep their plants as green as possible all the way through, others allow them to yellow and fall.


i answered a post yesterday like this.
What you are experiencing is localised humidity stress caused by 1 of 2 possible things,
1 - Your lights are too close causing the leaf surface temp to increase which causes low RH on the leaf and it curls in at the sides

2 --- your fan is causing it from being directed at that point for too long which reduces the RH causing it to curl. You can find it happens on parts of the plants that are at the direction change on oscilating fans.

to test get your gauge at the effected leaves so you can measure and clarify.



Active Member
Nice jondaman, I hadn't thought of that man... I actually think it's a combination of those 2.. I'm less than a week away so it should be alright.. no other leaves seem to be showing the same symtoms so I'm 99% sure that this diagnosis is correct.. GOTTA be environmental and those 2 are the best explanations..