Leaves seem to be disintegrating, leaving a 'skeleton' behind.

Plants look otherwise healthy but there are a few leaves like that in the attahced picture. As you can see, the leaf seems to be 'disintegrating' (not sure what the perfect word for it is). Its mostly on newer growth. Species is unknown.. transplanted recently from cuttings to hydroton/rockwool. Under a 600W metal halide, fed once a day w/ grow nutrients at pH 6 and 700ppm. I would think bugs or somethign - but I've been spraying neem and pyrethins fairly consistently, don't see many bugs, and have been doing some sulfur treatments recently too. The rest of the leaves and almost all the plants in general seem quite healthy.

Thanks for the help!



Active Member
ooooh you got a bug! I think something is having a field day on your leaves bro! better find you some dipel dust. but it is also a healthy nibble it could just be filing in its leaves but if it started healthy then went to this hole shit, I would make sure you dont have any bugs!


Well-Known Member
that's damn weird, if it wasn't for the holes in the middle of the leaf I'd lean towards catipillars or slugs if you were outdoors but where your inside I have no clue. I'd do like ismokealotofpot said and run it under a shower upside down making sure to rinse every leaf to start then do a thorough inspection,check you pot,I've had bugs hide under the lip/edges of pots and not realize they are there...good luck