leaves that flip upside down by nightfall, then are back rightside up in the morning?


Well-Known Member
hi friends....i am wondering if my plant is trying to tell me something....each morning at 430 am...when the lights come on....the leaves on this plant are rightside up, .,..but by the end of each day...they are upside down...it happens daily....other than that....they generally look pretty happy (on the top side)...does anyone know what this means...maybe nothing...but if so...id like to know....thanks in advance...leon:weed:


Active Member
if you using foil or some non-consistant reflective material or there are reflective items near the plants it could be a brighter source of refracted light there turning to . it seems there are trying to tell you where there getting there life from or maybe have some kind of mutated genetics and are overcompensating simple avg leaf movements no clue thoose are my guesses