Leaves turning yellow?


Hey guys and gals,

I have a couple of plants that are a couple weeks old, under a couple CFL's, until my new light setup arrives. I noticed yesterday that the leaves started to turn yellow. I was just wondering if anyone knew what the reason for this could be? Is it underwatering? Overwatering? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a good one! Attached a couple pics to show you what I am talking about...



Well-Known Member
That usually happens with overwatering in my opinion.

Especially with plants that young, they don't need too much water. Basically let the soil dry out before watering again.

Read the plants, like most of us you are constantly checking on them so watch the leaves, if they start to droop slightly then water :)


Thanks for the replies. Yeah I think I will cut back on the watering. And sorry for the shitty pics, just used my cell phone, next time i won't be so lazy and I will bust out the 12 megapixel (or whatever it is) digital camera. Thanks again and best wishes to both of you!


Ok, So a little update. I pulled the yellow leaves underneath. I transplanted the plants from pots with Mircale Grow to pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I also started a nute treatment plan with Fox Farm nutes. They seem to be doing fine from the transplant. Was it wise to pull off the yellow leaves? Here are some more, hopefully higher quality pics (used digital camera instead of cell phone camera) for your viewing pleasure. Please keep in mind they are just under a couple CFL's, my HID ligting setup should be arriving in the next day or two. When do you think I should FIM them? Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
