leaves very light green turning yellow ish?

my plants have been pretty healthy untill now i have changed anything about them either the taller plants r fading on the top leaves i think it might have grown too close to the light but my lights dont even make heat


Active Member
if you have no heat from your lights then that probably not it. I am growing under a air cooled 600whps and my plants grow right up against the glass and never burn. Just First thing I have always learned to check is the PH. Also are your plants moving into a new stage in growth? maybe you need to change up your nutes. But hell I am just guessing.
please help can someone point out some other problems it could be y there turning yellow one of the first rounded leaves r dont look good at all do these leaves matter now or just as a sprout


Active Member
youll have to forgive me

your english is hard to follow.

if the plants are small, those first "rounded" leaves Always fall off.
the next couple sets of 3 leaves will also eventually fall off.

what do you mean they are fading on the top leaves?
color fading?
turning yellow?
transparent?? (clear, see through)

pics would help


they don't look too unhealthy mate, give them a bit of nitrogen 2ml per litre of water .. sometimes if they too close to lights the leaves become bleached (pale) raise the light and see if it makes any difference within 2 days you'll know .. the seed leaves (round ones) should always go yellow and fall off :) x