leaving plants home when away


Well-Known Member
I left my plants at home while im away for 3 days. I their pots half dipped inside my sink with my light right next to it, giving it light 24/7 for about 3 days. I was wondering if I did the right thing by leaving them like that. Will I be expecting a bad news about my babies when I return? ps. one of my plants was wilted, while the other one healthy.


Well-Known Member
its easier to drown a plant than you might think. plants need air more than they need water. a slightly heavier watering than usual... and they should have been fine for 3 days unless their containers are tiny.


Well-Known Member
If your pots are the right size you shouldn't be watering more frequently than once every 3 or 4 days anyway. Guess what an over watered plant looks like? pretty much like a under watered plant does, wilted and sad looking.


Well-Known Member
one of the plants I have was wilted and sad looking, but when I watered it, it became healthy looking again. I was watering that plant about 2 tea spoons daily. I'm guessing that when I left the house, it was needing some water because I did not water that plant that day.


Well-Known Member
one of the plants I have was wilted and sad looking, but when I watered it, it became healthy looking again. I was watering that plant about 2 tea spoons daily. I'm guessing that when I left the house, it was needing some water because I did not water that plant that day.

So thats the problem. When you water these plants you dump water in it until it starts to drip out the bottom of the pot, get the soil really saturated. then you let it sit until its almost completely dry again. I used the pot weight method myself, when they are lightweight that usually meant it needed water.

So you shouldn't water by the teaspoon, use a hose or a pitcher of water and really get after it.


Well-Known Member
lol 2 teaspoons thats the funniest shit i EVER heard who in the hell takes water puts it in a spoon and waters lol


Well-Known Member
no foo. i'm not actually using a tea spoon to feed my plants. I'm referring to the amount of water I give them.
UPDATE: I came back from my 3 days away. the plants looked healthier than ever. they grew about 2 more inches.
I'm thinking of doing this(leaving plants in water with their pot.) often since it actually helped my plants' growths.


Well-Known Member
it only helped this time because you have been severely under watering them for so long, that they were probably desperate for a nice long drink. trust me, if you keep them in standing water, they will die. mary hates having wet feet. not to mention pools of water attract pests, bacteria, and can cause root rot.

listen to people when they tell you to water until the soil is saturated, then wait until it is completely dry before you water again (around 3-4 days).


Well-Known Member
no foo. i'm not actually using a tea spoon to feed my plants. I'm referring to the amount of water I give them.
UPDATE: I came back from my 3 days away. the plants looked healthier than ever. they grew about 2 more inches.
I'm thinking of doing this(leaving plants in water with their pot.) often since it actually helped my plants' growths.
lol so what 2 tea spoons of water is not enough are u using 1 oz shot glass for your planter lOLOLOLO