LED and mirrors


Active Member
I'm not really sure what you mean? You could use mirrors to surround a plant, but mylar over something solid would be better.


Well-Known Member
I had the same idea when I started growing, seems like a great idea but it isnt, the mirror absorb more lights than reflects it, you are much better with painting the wall flat white, when you get a gallon of white paint you can ask them to put more of the white pigment in it, I forgot how its called but that could help reflect more light.


Active Member
I had the same idea when I started growing, seems like a great idea but it isnt, the mirror absorb more lights than reflects it, you are much better with painting the wall flat white, when you get a gallon of white paint you can ask them to put more of the white pigment in it, I forgot how its called but that could help reflect more light.
Get Mylar. It's works well from what everyone says. Relatively cheap too. You can get a 25' roll for around $15-20. Depending on shipping charges.


Well-Known Member
Mirrors are useless you're better off surounding your plants with flat white poster boards you can purchase at staples or any office supply store. it's even better than aluminum foil or mylar.


Well-Known Member
I currently use flat white all over, but the closer you get a highly reflective surface to a light source, such as mylar/ultra reflective water heater rap, the better it works. Less dark areas to reflect and ultimately convert the light to heat. If this wasn't the case all reflectors for HID would be white, not aluminum. Aluminum has a 95-98% reflectivity rating(this depends on manufacturing and additives such as titanium flecks), including it's reflection of infared which is extremely hard to get into an led room. Don't buy aluminum foil as it just blows, and isn't generally pure or durable. Also hot spots need to be considered. In the future the first foot under my lights, on the walls, will be diamond foil.

This stuff>http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-Diamond-Foil---100-feet-by-4-feet.asp
NEVER THIS>http://image.rakuten.co.jp/clour/cabinet/kit_goods/img56147426.jpg

I hope this helps,